Friday, August 8, 2014

Tommy's Summer Vacation

       Hey Senior English Class, my summer break was essentially broken up into three different summers; summer school, summer work, and summer fun.   I took six weeks of Algebra 2 for five hours a day at McClintock High School.  My days were filled during the week with summer school then working out at Valley, going to opening gyms, and participating in Summer League Basketball.  On weekends I had a summer job at Francis & Sons Carwash, it was nerve-racking at first but I eventually understood the the flow of things.  Once summer school ended I had more time to work and travel and that is exactly what I did.  My family and I drove to California for my sisters birthday, to get out of the heat,  go to the beach and a break from home.  
      About two weeks after we drove back from California we flew to Baltimore Washington International Airport, were we got our luggage and the rental car and toured Washington D.C which was really cool to see for it being my first time there.  After we spent the whole day visiting the different tourist sites we drove to Woodstock, Maryland where my Aunt and Uncle live.  My dad's side of the family meet us there and we enjoyed the evening hanging out with them.   The next day we left and drove to Ocean City, Maryland, where we rented a condo for a week, which was right by the beach.  We stayed in the condo with our cousins from Ohio.
      Later in the week my mom's brothers family drove in from New Hampshire to see us, and we had a blast hanging out with them.  We spent majority of the time at the beach in the ocean which was exhilarating and exhausting because the waves were huge and we would get pummeled by them.   After we were tired of getting beat up by the waves we would relax and recover in the pool, then we would go for a walk on the boardwalk.  After our long week on the beach we drove to a hotel we stayed at for one night and got all dressed up for my second cousins wedding ceremony.  After the ceremony all the kids went back to the hotel well the adults were at the reception,  and I was in charge of watching them along with my two cousins and my sister.  Then we walked to IHOP that evening which was across the street from the hotel and ate a midnight snack with my two sisters and cousin.  

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